Josh Soria MS, BPC
Josh is Chief Operation Officer and Co-Founder of Encompass Financial Planning. He has a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy and spent 15 years rehabilitating people with neurologic conditions and managing several departments within our hospital system. Josh is an Investment Advisor Representative and is Bucket Plan Certified. Josh comes to the financial industry with a unique perspective from the health care industry allowing him to distill the salient points of a financial plan from the bigger constellation of data points provided by the client. Josh also brings a perspective of empathy and compassion to financial planning and wealth management understanding that clients may often feel insecure about their financial knowledge or past financial choices. Josh places a strong emphasis on education as the foundation of the services he provides, thus enabling his clients to make sound and informed financial decisions. Josh has a passion for providing financial coaching and counseling to his clients taking the time to sit with them and help them create a budget and a process for managing their month to month finances.